My friends,
Happy Easter.
So I sat there, in the garden on a bright sunny Saturday afternoon sipping my cold beer, deep in thought.
My thoughts turned again to the current crisis, and how she who must be obeyed would pester me every Easter to make use of the time we get at easter to go ‘out’. The mileage accumulated during these few days doesn’t bear thinking about. Beaches, Theme Parks, Leisure Pools, Events and long distance friends…
However, on this particular Saturday, the sound of a lawn mower could still vaguely be heard, but there was no traffic on the road outside. The world was effectively broken, still, resting and effectively ‘locked down’. I hope that someone is documenting this unique moment in history as I do hope it will never come again.
The time provided has certainly clarified my thoughts, sure I was worried about the long-term income aspect.
But I now at least had a plan, ideas and plans were constantly being thrown at me from all directions.
Been actioning some copywriting this week
We all love a ‘Top 10’ type article … and don’t advertisers know it. A visit to almost any site will present you with a selection of ‘recommended reading’ ‘related posts’ or ‘from around the net’ type stories all promising to list the ‘20 greatest fashion disasters’ ‘top 10 movie mistakes’ or ‘5 biggest secrets the food companies won’t tell you’
This sort of thing is obviously very popular … and I suspect we’re all going to weaken and fall into this particular time-waster trap every now and then, so when you do – keep one eye on the techniques that are being used.
Firstly, look at the copywriting tactics used … whilst far from new, the methods used to create the titles are specifically written so you click on them, so they may merit some study …
So, even whether the article you clicked on was quite niche like ’20 ways to clean your Labrador’ or something more general and emotive like ‘The 5 best pictures I’ve ever seen (the 3rd one made me cry)’ examine what it was that appealed to you and made you want to click through and read more .. then obviously have one eye on this when you write your own ads, article or email titles…
Secondly, the delivery of the information all follows a similar pattern – where the nuggets of wisdom you clicked through to read are almost buried under a pile of advertising and delivered as a list or slideshow … which means either you have to scroll past a whole load more advertising as you work your way down the ‘list’, or every slideshow frame refreshing the page so that a new mass of advertising is displayed.
The result of all this is, of course, that whoever owns the website exposes the visitor to a lot more advertising for just the one click, and generating 5, 10 or 20 times the amount of revenue they normally would.
It’s an interesting business model which is only really viable if a post goes spectacularly viral, so the obvious strategy is to make the content as shareable and clickable as possible to get this to happen, (regardless of actual quality of content).
Let me be clear though, I’m not suggesting anybody copy this model exactly (for the very reason I’ve pointed out above) … what I am suggesting is that you see what and how you can adapt their techniques to work for you … something like, if your articles or posts are a little ‘wordy’ try spreading over several pages to increase any advertising revenue or look at the way these article titles have been written and use similar tactics in your own work…
Oh did you know?
All the following ebook subjects are selling very well at present…
Language Arts and Disciplines
Crafts and Hobbies
Games and Activities
Sports and Recreation
Strange that isn’t it?
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