Please stand back from the Subject Line!

Now I don’t get hundreds of emails but possibly like many of you. I do get a ‘few’.

Now I’m not saying I receive emails on the scale of say Tom Cruise, or even an extra, who appears on Eastenders. For instance, after today’s blog I would expect to receive at least three emails from people telling me I look NOTHING like Tom Cruise (why ‘she who must be obeyed’ insists on emailing me to tell me she’s just realized this after all these years – I just don’t know). But I do normally get a few emails which I go through on a Sunday morning with the essential large coffee. I also check emails on a daily basis for anything that looks important (like ones telling me I’ve still not paid that very urgent gas bill).

Anyway I thought this was a great subject title, so what does it mean?

As you know the internet is a strange and magical place, full of ideas and lots of promise. You do need to try and understand it a little, how it works and learn these new ideas in order to best help you with your ‘grand plan’.

It’s very easy in today’s society to give up with your current business opportunity and try something else. Move on to the next ‘subject line’ that arrives in your inbox.

We live in a world of very little time and multi commitments. The world today moves at a hectic pace.

I was once told the definition of madness is continually doing the SAME thing over and over but still expecting very DIFFERENT results.

So there comes a time when you need to make a stand. You have to have some BELIEF in what your doing.

You will always get like-minded emails in your inbox. Emails you signed up to at one point or another for an idea or product you were vaguely interested in. Strangely this could also be a market you may now be considering entering into one day yourself soon.

However you also liked the idea of the opportunity you are in now.

You made the decision to open that ‘subject line’ read about it and eventually sign up.

So don’t just give up on it, if that’s what your now thinking.

I continually see this trend happen all the time, Person buys option A, does not complete the actions required to make it work and eventually gives up and moves on, wondering why they bought it in the first place.

Heck, even I’m guilty of this too, but for a very different reason. I have a drawer full of opportunities which I originally bought with good intentions but never found the time to actually put them into action so at least I do understand why they didn’t work. Something which I now aim to change.

But could you continually keep buying options and effectively write them off when they don’t work for you without understanding the reason WHY. Especially if you’ve not actually DONE anything at all. It would be lovely, if your chosen business opportunity arrived at your house, unpacked itself, set itself up and money ‘poured’ into your bank account shortly afterwards.

If you think like this then it simply will not happen. Even in today’s modern world the ‘push button’ business does not exist. I understand people want everything now. But let’s be realistic almost everything takes time. (even pizzas take approximately 30 minutes to get delivered – and I should know)

So now I want to ask you a question?If not this option, then WHAT? And if not now WHEN do you want to change your life – forever?

So, back to the subject of those emails, at the time of writing I have 28,734 in my inbox. Maybe I should delete just ‘a few’ of them? So if you’ll excuse me, I may be ‘busy’ for a while.