Heading Down the Internet at 50 (Part 2)

So as I was saying, I went to the Digital Nomads Summit.

It was time for a change.

You see I’m just a regular Joe, like you.

I believe that there is another way.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had lots of success in MLM, Internet Retailing, Ebay and on Amazon. But the internet is huge and full of new possibilities. It was now time to look at those areas too.

Digital Nomads provided 3 days full of information and opportunities but one thing soon became clear.

I was gonna need help.

Andrew Reynolds told me he expected only about 20 people to succeed. Not because they didn’t know what to do but because they would take what they had learned and do NOTHING!

You see its easier to stay where you are, its comfortable there.

Nothing changes until it changes.

If you do nothing then you should expect nothing or make a change now and see a change for the better.

So like I said perhaps I was gonna need help. So I made friends with a fellow summit attendee with the sole aim of motivating each other.

You see I’m determined to make that change.

Not only for myself to prove it can be done (it really can), but also for my family and their future.

So here in my blog, I will be continuing my ongoing learning process and hoping to pass on the knowledge I’ve learned to provide ideas and opportunities for you to try

And in case you’re wondering about my subject line, I turned the big 5-0 this year. Life can only get better from here…

Did you go to the Nomads Summit? What opportunities are you working on now?

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