Michael Rust, is a father of two girls and started his internet business career after he reached the age of 50. He has worked in various jobs after leaving school but found like many others that there were no guarantees in the world of work
He applied himself to various roles in retail, marketing and finance however it never seemed to work out in the long term due to an ever changing world.
Having gained experience in the workplace, he consequently sought other opportunities. He therefore looked for a different type of lifestyle and experimented with the world of Multi-Level Marketing for several years where he discovered his love for helping others build an extra income.
However he continued to seek further options eventually working with the great Andrew Reynolds, an £80+ millionaire with his internet marketing systems.
He has gained a great deal of information and expertise in internet marketing, online business, internet traffic generation and social Media. Michael is now an international best-selling author, and is currently working with millionaires such as Andrew Reynolds, Tom Hua and Sean Allison to continue to build his internet businesses.