Groundhog Day

My friends,

Okay, so not sure how you feel but one week into semi-lockdown feels a bit like that movie Groundhog Day. You know the one where it’s the same day being repeated until he gets it right. In our case it feels like Everyday is actually Easter Sunday, the only day when all the shops shut due to the religious reasons involved…

Anyway, if your still working great, thanks for keeping the country moving. And if you’re not as such like me then, I still hope your safe and well and using any available time to push ahead on your internet business.

There is a massive land grab available on the internet, with the increasing demand there is more room for sellers than ever. Scale of the increased demand?

Amazon are now hiring 100,000 new warehouse staff in the US, and another 10,000 in the UK just to keep up with the huge surge in eCommerce sales amid the Corona crisis!

Also did you see that FREE report last week?

You can still get it here…

If you got it great. If you didn’t it’s well worth it. Although not actioned by me yet, it can also be rebranded with your affiliate links and used to build that all important marketing email list too, not a bad thing right now. Obviously so many lives have been affected by the crisis we find ourselves.

Okay so I still have NO regular income, but this past week has been great for getting organised as well as getting on with things too. Its important, I believe, to have a plan and structure your days otherwise they could be all the same. In our case we will work on our internet businesses during the week and leave the weekend to chill (well cut the lawn, do the housework etc)

Firstly, last week has been what I call a changeover period for my Ebay business where current auctions come to an end and are updated with additional new listings in order to set them up for the next 8 week period. This then leaves them to be sold on auto each week. I was also relieved to find that going to the Post Office is still allowed enabling me to get those important customer orders out. If your interested I typically have about 450 listings on at any one time.

My great friend Tom Hua has requested that I look at creating an ebay ecourse. This is one thing I cannot continue to ignore. As he says do something ONCE and get paid FOREVER. Therefore, this coming week I will collate the framework and content in order to make a start.

The internet is great for many things and another area I’m now looking into is content writing. This means providing articles and posts on any subject in order to help with your content marketing. Would this be useful? Drop me a comment below.

Due to my love of writing, I’ve slso been reading up on Copywriting. It’s a really great subject to learn and can provide a good income when you know the basics even if initially you use it to just create blogs or Facebook adverts. When you know it better the power to use just words to sell your products is obviously useful to have. As they say the pen is indeed mightier than the sword.

So, I have another ‘freebie’ for you today.

Traffic is the lifeblood of your business. My friend Russell Brunsen has written another book in his ‘Secrets’ series. Entitled ‘Traffic Secrets’ he reveals all he knows regarding this fantastic and very interesting subject. So if you willing to cover the shipping cost he will send it to you Free. If your quick you also have the chance to grab some brilliant bonuses too.

For all your Business Ecourses and more PDF’s

Visit us at our sister site

Traffic Secrets

Time to Take Stock

My friends, we are living in extraordinary times.

After a week, that seemed like living in a horror movie, it was only normal for me to find I was one of the first casualties. My ‘boss’ kindly phoned me on Wednesday to tell me I wasn’t needed anymore.

Normally I would feel resentful, but strangely I didn’t, possibly because I foresaw it coming at the beginning of the week. I predict that I’m looking for at least 12 weeks until things could be a little better. Let’s face it the schools are expected off until September BUT its also expected it could even be TWO years.

I stand on a ledge (figuratively speaking) watching the approaching storm as the world comes to a stop literally. And many things we’ve known fall into an abyss.

However, there is some good news…

Internet business is sky rocketing in many areas, some more than others. Google reports a huge increase in the key words ‘Make money from Home’ as people scramble to find new sources of income.

This is huge to the way we live today. And when we come out of this holocaust then things might just be that little bit different.

Time to Take Stock…

As we are facing an unprecedented challenge both at home and around the world with the threat of CV19, it’s clear that millions of people are going to be spending even more time online for information, education, distraction and diversion. It will be a time when many others will be looking for new income opportunities so it makes sense to look closely at what opportunities are available to you.

So what opportunities have I got in my internet toolkit?

Ebooks and ecourse creation, Affiliate marketing, share/currency trading, Ebay, Amazon FBA, Social Media and Chatbots, Traffic Generation along with several ‘Pocket Money’ systems, PLR and ‘Money Hacks. Also hundreds of Business Books to continue on many subjects. Plenty to keep me occupied then.

So together we will look at the various opportunities to see what works well or even better.

Today I want to give you something from my friend Nick James

Its totally FREE, Feel free to give it to anyone who needs it at this most trying of times

Instant Startups – FREE

Visit us at our sister site

Also for all your Business Ecourses and more PDF’s

FREE Startups Report

The View from the Gallery

By Michael Rust


It’s a tough world and it’s getting tougher with the current situation in the country as a whole.

So to recap, I was effectively ‘laid off’, from my day job last week as a member of the gig economy. I currently feel I’ve been ‘fired’, although this is not the case as the country comes to a gradual stop.

However on a more positive note its like being on holiday, and this allows you to get those little jobs done (you just have to try to forget your NOT being paid, and perhaps hope the country will look after you as we do contribute £305 billion to the economy every year).

Due to my love of writing, I decided to start a blog during this crisis with the time I now seem to find myself as I continue on my journey to find the holy grail of internet entrepreneurship.

So what to call it?

Diary of Corona virus retiree? (No too negative, also not true as I hopefully I’m still very well)

Time on my hands? (might not always be true when the economy bounces back to normal (?)

I favour this one …wait for it…

The View from the Gallery

I like this because it seems that’s where I am right now, sitting on a ledge (or gallery) watching the world go by as I try to see things objectively.

So I want to blog my days in the weeks ahead (scary thought), with what internet thoughts and ideas on all things I have in order to push through this.

I like giving things away so if you visit I also have FREE gift for you to cope with this Corona Crisis.

Please feel free to comment, criticise, even disagree if you want in order to be to the benefit of us all.

So I will see you all on Monday?

Please stand back from the Subject Line!

Now I don’t get hundreds of emails but possibly like many of you. I do get a ‘few’.

Now I’m not saying I receive emails on the scale of say Tom Cruise, or even an extra, who appears on Eastenders. For instance, after today’s blog I would expect to receive at least three emails from people telling me I look NOTHING like Tom Cruise (why ‘she who must be obeyed’ insists on emailing me to tell me she’s just realized this after all these years – I just don’t know). But I do normally get a few emails which I go through on a Sunday morning with the essential large coffee. I also check emails on a daily basis for anything that looks important (like ones telling me I’ve still not paid that very urgent gas bill).

Anyway I thought this was a great subject title, so what does it mean?

As you know the internet is a strange and magical place, full of ideas and lots of promise. You do need to try and understand it a little, how it works and learn these new ideas in order to best help you with your ‘grand plan’.

It’s very easy in today’s society to give up with your current business opportunity and try something else. Move on to the next ‘subject line’ that arrives in your inbox.

We live in a world of very little time and multi commitments. The world today moves at a hectic pace.

I was once told the definition of madness is continually doing the SAME thing over and over but still expecting very DIFFERENT results.

So there comes a time when you need to make a stand. You have to have some BELIEF in what your doing.

You will always get like-minded emails in your inbox. Emails you signed up to at one point or another for an idea or product you were vaguely interested in. Strangely this could also be a market you may now be considering entering into one day yourself soon.

However you also liked the idea of the opportunity you are in now.

You made the decision to open that ‘subject line’ read about it and eventually sign up.

So don’t just give up on it, if that’s what your now thinking.

I continually see this trend happen all the time, Person buys option A, does not complete the actions required to make it work and eventually gives up and moves on, wondering why they bought it in the first place.

Heck, even I’m guilty of this too, but for a very different reason. I have a drawer full of opportunities which I originally bought with good intentions but never found the time to actually put them into action so at least I do understand why they didn’t work. Something which I now aim to change.

But could you continually keep buying options and effectively write them off when they don’t work for you without understanding the reason WHY. Especially if you’ve not actually DONE anything at all. It would be lovely, if your chosen business opportunity arrived at your house, unpacked itself, set itself up and money ‘poured’ into your bank account shortly afterwards.

If you think like this then it simply will not happen. Even in today’s modern world the ‘push button’ business does not exist. I understand people want everything now. But let’s be realistic almost everything takes time. (even pizzas take approximately 30 minutes to get delivered – and I should know)

So now I want to ask you a question?If not this option, then WHAT? And if not now WHEN do you want to change your life – forever?

So, back to the subject of those emails, at the time of writing I have 28,734 in my inbox. Maybe I should delete just ‘a few’ of them? So if you’ll excuse me, I may be ‘busy’ for a while.

The Audiobook CD has now arrived

It often takes only a tweak or a very small amendment which will make the greatest of changes to your business. This change can then make all the difference between your business just ticking along or have a large increase in your online sales activity.

So, this is a collection of 50 top marketing and business tips and hacks from top marketing experts from around the world which are tried and tested with a view to improving your business sales. I have tried to make the tips both easy to implement and very easy to listen to and understand, with examples and in most cases why the tip works.

You may not wish to implement all the tips discussed in this audiobook, and that’s fine because, by just trying a few which you feel are appropriate to you can make all the difference. So, take action by buying this audiobook today and introduce these ideas to your business, and you may be amazed by the results !

How to be a Digital Nomad

There are some things in life I just haven’t got to yet. I’m a busy man who sleeps a lot, (I believe it’s an age thing), so my time is precious. I haven’t done a parachute jump, (maybe because I don’t like heights) I haven’t yet been down the Grand Canal in Venice, and I have never done ‘Tower of Terror’ at Disneyland, Paris – you know the things most people do in their lives.

I was surprised to find the other day that the term ‘digital nomad’ actually exists. Surprised as I thought it was a made up phrase. According to Wikipedia, Digital nomads are a type of people who use telecommunications technologies to earn a living and, more generally, conduct their life in a nomadic manner. Such workers often work remotely from foreign countries, public libraries, coffee shops, co-working spaces, or even recreational vehicles.

Some of you may recall, that it is now nearly 12 months since the great Andrew Reynolds possibly introduced you to this term. So is this still your dream?  How far have you come since beginning your (Primo) journey? What are you prepared to do to make it truly happen?

If you’re a just a little like me, then maybe you do seek new destinations. Thoughts of long white sandy beaches with the water calling out your name.  Different cities to explore and discover.

To many this could be an ideal life, and you would not be alone in this regards. Many industries are now even accepting remote work as the way forward, indeed you may get offered the chance to do this one day with the company your with now. Although probably to work from home, not on a remote beach somewhere. So you do not have to be self-employed especially to begin with and you may like to try this interesting lifestyle.

However with your (Primo) business, the end aim perhaps is to eventually work for yourself, continually learning, building new sales funnels, advertising your internet business. Your aim to grow your business, with a view to give you a more nomadic lifestyle. If you do it well and make your (primo) business solid then this should be no problem.

Like with all things there is always some risk, but then there’s nothing more exhilarating or more rewarding than traveling the world as a digital nomad. The option to actually choose your destination at will.

Like with many things however, you have to put the work in before this can become a reality. Make the time to really move your business onwards. Set a goal of where you want to be in a year from now. Remember ‘tomorrow never comes’, so if you put it off until tomorrow, it will not happen. Start today and do it now (or even part of it) and I’m sure you will soon be where you want to be.

So I’m off to Venice for a few days, with ‘she who must be obeyed’, as I still have to travel down that Grand Canal, like I said earlier there are some things in life that you just simply must do.