How do you eat a giant pie?

So a question I kept being asked in another life was ‘How do you eat a giant pie’ (your choice – but mines the Cherry one right?)

The answer is simple, its gotta be just one piece at a time.

If you apply this principle to your e-business, then there is only so much you can do at once and you need to break it down into (bite size) pieces.

Personally, I find it great to work through a list of jobs. I know what needs to be done and its (most) satisfying to tick that item off, which means your another step closer to your goal.

Top Tip – Do something everyday, break your task up into smaller pieces i.e if your writing a blog, write 15 minutes today, 15 minutes tomorrow and so forth until its done that way its not such a chore and it still done in just a few days.

Allow me to let you into a secret, with an internet business you can also delegate if you feel you need to and it gets you through your list quicker.

If you don’t want to design your book cover or believe you can’t do it justice, delegate the job to a expert designer. The internet is very competitive and the cost will be lower than you believe.

You can then continue with the writing, formatting of your new ebook which maybe you enjoy much more.

What about a facebook video, if your not sure about how to go about this, again delegate it,

You can continue with your social media planning still as part of your list if you prefer.

Over time I have built up a valuable team, to deal with these things, I can learn later, (or even not at all) just to get what needs to be done finished.

Bottom line, don’t stop or put off the things you believe are tricky, there is always someone who has been there, done that and bought the t-shirt. (I think his name may have been Tom)

Always believe you will get to your goal. A new life awaits you. But only if you complete your list!

Right so I’m off to clean the car which is the next thing on my (wife’s) list.

The Great Ebay Mass Exodus

Did you see it?

Its the same every year.

No sooner was Christmas finished then the mass exodus begins.

No I’m not talking about a holiday getaway. But simply the rush to add all the unwanted gifts to ebay.

Now all stores have generous return policies with or without receipts but people generally prefer to list their new gift items on ebay, maybe even on Amazon.

Some of the cynical amongst you may think they are ungrateful, however we live in a material world. If you already have the item then it is easier to list the item on ebay and be paid when it sells, than it is to ask the person who provided the gift to take it back and exchange it for something else.

From a buyers point of view, it does mean many a bargain can be found. Whether you actually want the item or in my case resell the item for a profit either still on ebay or on Amazon.

Did you know many people will shop on one platform or the other. This process of buying and reselling is called ‘Flipping’ and can be done with many things especially as most people are happy with the original sale made i.e they sell for what they can get.

However if you do this, and there is lots of money to be made here, you must ensure you have a great picture or pictures to promote it for the best price.

So what do you sell on Ebay or Amazon and how successful are you?

Another Year. Another Dollar

So yet another year had passed.

As I sat there writing this, still in xmas mood, I think that the year had been pretty good.

What was your highlight of the year?

If I was to choose, I think that seeing my book ‘50 Easy Business Hacks to Increase Your Sales’ in print for the very first time must rank highly.

This year (as always) would be better.

Now is a time to reflect on past actions and make a plan.

Whatever you set your mind to, now is the time to make it happen.

On my blog, I want to start reporting on items that may help you with your online ideas and also provide some FREE reports and stuff on this too.

Happy New Year. (belated)